User experience
at the heart of


the futures

Ixiade is a strategy, studies and design agency that puts the user experience at the heart of the innovation process. By combining a transversal approach with creative methods, we promote the emergence of innovative projects suited to the market and to our ethical values. Together, we build a tailor-made support to create the best with your ideas. We are experts and always on the move, at the service of your responsible innovation projects.

Do you have an innovation project?

Business model
Future uses studies

Marketing studies
Sociological studies
Ergonomics studies

Products design
HMI design
Services design


We engage the expertise of our team to boost your ideas

More than


supported projects


10 000

users met



explored continents

More than

1 500

sketched ideas and concepts

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The reference book to take action!

The white paper to overcome the pitfalls of innovation!

This book proposes approaches to “innovation through uses”, based on the practical experience of “use-oriented” innovation projects and the reflection carried out over the last 30 years by the “French School of uses”.


This white paper helps to apprehend the risks of failure in innovation and to identify the appropriate methods and tools to increase chances of success.

Discover our books and publications related to the world of innovation on our publishing agency website : 

Éditions d’Innovation

Le livre de référence pour passer à l’action !

Cet ouvrage propose des démarches “d’innovation par les usages”, à partir de l’expérience pratique de projets d’innovation “orientée usages” et de la réflexion menée depuis 30 ans par “l’école française d’usages”.


Le livre blanc pour déjouer les pièges de l’innovation !

Ce livre blanc permet d’appréhender les risques d’échec en innovation et d’identifier les méthodes et outils appropriés pour augmenter ses chances de succès.

Discover our books and publications related to the world of innovation on our publishing agency website :

Éditions d’Innovation

Our trainings

As an approved and “Datadocked” training organisation (approval number 8 2 3 8 0 4 1 5 4 3 8), we offer a range of training courses that cover the different stages of innovation projects, with a truly operational vocation. Thanks to an action-based pedagogy, our training courses alternate between the transmission of knowledge and practical application. As innovation is a human and collective process, and to better adapt to each context, the training courses can be followed by personalised coaching.

Tax Credits

We are very proud of these accreditations: it is a recognition of the legitimacy of our approach, our expertise and the quality of our methodological research work.

Pascal Pizelle, Ixiade founder.

To get your white paper “A Brief Study on Overcoming the 10 Major Innovation Pitfalls”, please fill in this form, a link will then be sent to the e-mail address indicated.

Pour obtenir votre livre blanc « Petit traité pour déjouer les 10 grands  pièges de l’innovation », veuillez remplir ce formulaire. Un lien vous sera alors envoyé à l’adresse e-mail indiquée (pensez à vérifier vos spams / courriers indésirables).


Discover our white paper to overcome the 10 major pitfalls of innovation